b GliderScore


for all RC Glider Competitions        F3B        F3F        F3J        F3K        F3L        F3Q        F5B        F5J        F5K        F5L        Thermal        Electric        ALES 
DownloadsPrevious VersionsGliderScore UpdatesDigitalTimer UpdatesGliderScore on Apple Mac
    GliderScore 6.75 and
    DigitalTimer 1.19

Check your system before downloading this software.

If using Windows XP, download GliderScore 6.39. Later versions WILL NOT RUN on Windows XP computers.

For the latest version, you will need a computer with

  • Windows Vista SP2, W7 SP1, W8.1, W10 or W11
  • Microsoft .Net Framework Version 4.8 (Runtime) (download).
  • or an Apple Mac (see how to set it up here.

Please support GliderScore by making a donation.

The downloads are self extracting archive files created using IZArc software. They will ...

  • create a new folder "C:\GliderScore6" (if necessary)
  • copy the files into the new folder


Download this 'Package' to get the latest updated versions of GliderScore.exe, GliderScoreDigitalTimer.exe, audio files for DigitalTimer, database file with sample competitions, Pilots*.csv (for importing pilot data), all language files,
gma.qrcodenet.encoding.dll and ReadMe.txt.
When finished downloading, navigate to C:\GliderScore6 and click on GliderScore.exe to run the program.


(Note: Updates to GliderScore and the DigitalTimer are designed to work together. You must extract all files, replacing previous versions.)
Download GliderScore Programs - includes

  • GliderScore.exe 6.75 Build 2024-08-23
  • GliderScoreDigitalTimer.exe 1.19 Build 2024-08-23
  • gma.qrcodenet.encoding.dll (generates QR codes)


Download this 'Package' to run GliderScore on Windows XP.
GliderScore 6.39 does not have audio or timer capabilities.

When finished all downloads, navigate to C:\GliderScore6 and click on GliderScore.exe to run the program.


Optional - Download these audio timer files.
These files are pre-set to work with GliderScore AudioPlayer. They are not required for the DigitalTimer. This is a once only download.
Special audio files (ALES, 12m working time, etc) can be downloaded here.

Optional - Download the 'F3J Enter Cms' landing table.
The table has one entry for each centimetre out to 15 metres
and was used for the 2012 F3J WC.
DO NOT USE this landing table with eScoring. The scroll list will far too long.
When finished downloading follow the instructions in the 'GliderScore Landing Help.txt' file.

Optional - Download the 'eScoring Interface' program.
This program enables a PC to be used like a smartphone for eScoring score entry.
For more details go to Scoring→eScoring→ForPilots.
Scroll down to 'Entering scores with a shared computer'.

Optional - Download Audio and Timer files used at Swedish F5J competitions.
These files were contributed by Magnus Hedland.
The audio (.wav) files should be saved to the C:\GliderScore6\Audio folder.
The timer files should be imported using GliderScore's 'Import' button on the Digital Timer/Timer Setup screen.

From Version 6.51, all translation files are included in the 'GliderScore Pack'.
For earlier versions, the individual files are still available for download and can be found under the 'Translate' tab.

Check regularly for updates. See the GliderScore Updates tab for details of changes.
I value your feedback. See the Contact page for my email address.