b GliderScore


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Draw Reports

From the Reports Menu → Badges you can print identification badges for all entrants.
This may be just for pilots, but if you selected 'Use Roles' in the competition setup screen, and entered people in roles such as Team Manager, Competition Director, Jury Member, and so on, badges for these entrants can also be printed.

Badge Size - Within limits, the overall size of each badge can be changed.
Badge Logo - Having a logo on the badge is optional. If selected, the height, width and location can be altered.
Badge Text Area - the text area can be aligned to the left, centre or right and the width of the text area can be altered.
Badge Text - the text within the text area can be aligned left, centre or right. Some text is optional.

The badges will print like this.
What actually gets printed depends on your selections.

It is also possible to use the 'badges' as labels. Use on packages for entrants.