F3G - Multi-Task Glider with Electric Motor
A round of F3G competition involves completion of three tasks.
These are Duration, Distance and Speed.
The duration task has a height penalty element that is similar to F5J.
eScoring is available for this Class.
Download the FAI F3G rules for 2025 here.
GliderScore makes the running of F3G comps as easy as it can be.
It handles entering pilots, creating draws for duration, distance and speed,
printing out the draws and score sheets,
entering and calculating the scores, and instantly producing the reports.
The draws are all 'fair'. To speed up the competition, in the case of speed
the order separates pilots on the same frequency and/or in the same team.
The distance draw is totally separate from the duration draw to maximise fairness.
Main features
- Can select any or all three tasks. Run speed and distance only if desired.
- Unlimited number of pilots. Up to 99 rounds can be drawn.
- Unlimited number of Landing Bonus tables.
- Creates an optimised draw that avoids frequency and/or team clashes (except speed).
- Pilots can be 'retired' and a re-draw made with the remaining pilots for later rounds.
- Pilots can be moved between groups, and even rounds, for re-flights.
- A speed group can be split into two, and split again if necessary.
- Whole groups can be re-flown.
- New re-flight groups can be 'built' with selected pilots.
- Keeps track of each pilot's best score for each round (if pilot is re-flown)
- Deducts drop scores (for each task) at selected number of rounds flown.
- Deducts penalties from the final score.
- Allows for one or two timekeepers. If two, times are averaged (but if one time entered,
averaging does not occur).
- Provides a comprehensive suite of reports. All reports can be previewed, printed
or downloaded.
- Score cards can be printed for the duration task from the Reports menu.
- Multiple competitions can be selected into a Competition Series and a series Championship
report automatically produced.
Expand F3G on the side menu to work through these features.
Example competition setup for F3G
- Target time can be changed
- Decimal places for timing can be changed
- Different Landing bonus tables can be used
- 'Deduction from Flight Score' is set to 'Height Penalty'
- Number of timekeepers can be one or two
Watch the Comp Setup F3B video (very similar to setup for F3G).