b GliderScore


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Comp SetupNew CompSetup CompPilot OptionsPilot EntryDraw OptionsScoring OptionsScoring Rules
Competition Setup
Pilot Entry/Pilot Import

There are two methods for entering pilots in a competition.

Pilots can be entered directly by reference to the Pilots table (Pilot Entry), or
pilots can be imported into a competition from a file (Pilot Import).

It is also possible to use both methods for the one competition.

Pilot Entry using the Pilots table
  • Select pilots on the left, and double click (or use the arrow key) to move them into the competition
  • Pilots Available can be filtered on last name.
    Type the first few letters of the name that you are looking for in the 'Filter' box.
    Click the 'Clear' button to cancel the filter.
  • Edit the Draw Frequency directly in the grid
  • A column is provided for each of the selected Pilot Options
    Use Teams
    In this case 'Use Teams?' was selected and so the Team number and 'OTS' columns are visible.
    'OTS' means Omit from Team Score. Team results will omit the scores of selected pilots.
    Use Models
    In this case 'Use Models?' was selected and so the column "# Models" is visible.
    Click in this column to register models for each pilot.
    See further down this page for more information about Models.
  • New Pilots can be added to the database, and then to the competition
  • Pilot records can be edited from this screen by using the 'Edit Pilot' button.
  • Preview entries by frequency and/or team for quick checking
  • It is possible to add a pilot to the draw (a late pilot) without re-doing the draw

Switch Pilots button
The Switch Pilots button has both left and right pointing arrows.
This button is visible only after the draw has been made.
It works this way ...
1. Select a pilot on the left who is not in the competition.
2. Select a pilot on the right (the pilot to be replaced by the first pilot).
3. Click on the Switch Pilots button to make the first pilot replace the second pilot throughout the competition.

This works at any stage of the competition, regardless of whether scores have been entered.
It can fix issues where a pilot is entered by mistake (similar name) and this needs to be fixed.

It is not necessary to use this function to change a pilot's team. Just change the team number in the Pilot Entry screen.

Use Models - Model Data

Click in the '# Models" column to see the Model Data screen.

Click on 'Add' in the Model Data screen to add models.

The Model ID of the glider used can be recorded on the Score Card, in the Scoring Screen and when eScoring.

There is a 'Models' report available from the Reports menu.

Use Models - Add Model Data

  • Give the model a unique Model ID.
  • Select the Model Name from the dropdown box.
  • Optional - Select the Device Name from the drop down box.
  • Optional - Enter the serial number of the device.

Pilot Entry using Pilot Import

'Pilot Import' allows you to import pilots into your competition from a file.
New pilots will be added to the Pilots table.

Pilot Import - File Specifications

  • File type: '.csv'.
  • Field delimiter: comma ',' or semi-colon ';' (according to your region).
  • File name: any name that ends in '.csv'
  • File location: any location accessible by your computer.

This type of file can be created easily using Excel.

Use the first row of your file for field headings of your choice. This row will be ignored during the import process.
There must be field headings for all 18 fields in the file.

The fields in the file must be in the exact order below.
Data for fields 1 to 4 will be sufficient for most competitions.

  • 1 FirstName (text, max 20 characters. No commas or semicolons).
  • 2 LastName (text, max 20 characters. No commas or semicolons.).
    For existing pilots, name data to be identical to the name in the Pilots table.
  • 3 Role (text, max 6 characters. A value in the Roles table. Normally = 'Plt')
  • 4 DrawFreq (decimal, max 3 decimal places. Leave blank if Role is not 'Plt')

Data for the remaining fields is optional. The field headings are mandatory.

  • 5 Team (integer. Defaults to 0 if blank)
  • 6 PilotClass (text, max 4 characters. Defaults to ' ' if left blank or Role <> 'Plt')
  • 7 Country (text, max 4 characters)
  • 8 Club (text, max 50 characters)
  • 9 FAINumber (text, max 8 characters)
  • 10 OtherRegistration (text, max 8 characters)
  • 11 FAI_ID (text, max 6 characters)
  • 12 Street (text, max 50 characters)
  • 13 Town (text, max 50 characters)
  • 14 State (text, max 50 characters)
  • 15 PostCode (text, max 50 characters)
  • 16 Email (text, max 50 characters)
  • 17 PrivatePhone (text, max 50 characters)
  • 18 WorkPhone (text, max 50 characters)

WARNING - Before import -
Make sure that any pilots for import who are already in your database have their
names spelt exactly the same way in the .csv file. If they are spelt even
slightly differently you will be asked whether they match a person in your Pilots table.

Entrants that do not have a match will be added to your Pilots table.
Pilots already in the Pilots file will have new data updated. All pilots will be entered into the competition.

After import -
The Pilot Entry screen will open. Check all pilot details such as:
- Team number
- Frequency
- Correct spelling of first and last name
- Country code
If using Start Numbers, either fill these automatically or manually.

If you add a new pilot by mistake -
- In Pilot Entry, remove the pilot from the competition.
- In Main Menu → Pilots, delete the pilot record.