b GliderScore


for all RC Glider Competitions        F3B        F3F        F3J        F3K        F3L        F3Q        F5B        F5J        F5K        F5L        Thermal        Electric        ALES 
Comp SetupNew CompSetup CompPilot OptionsPilot EntryDraw OptionsScoring OptionsScoring Rules
Competition Setup
Draw Options

Team Protection

  • For group scored tasks, pilots from the same team will be drawn in different groups.
  • For 'one at a time' tasks (Speed, F5B and F3F), pilots from the same team will be separated in the order.

20kHz spacing

  • Pilots will be separated by at least 20kHz in the draw (except 2.4GHz)

Assign Helpers?

  • Systematically assigns a helper to each pilot in each flight group (as part of the draw process).
  • The assigned helpers appear in the scoring screen, scoring sheets, most draw reports, score cards and score records.
  • Assigning helpers achieves maximum interaction between all contestants so that the less experienced pilots can learn from experienced pilots.
    Particularly suitable for smaller F3K and F5J competitions where there are no teams and two or more groups per round is chosen.
  • Available for single task competitions (F3J, F3K, F3L, F5J, F5K, Thermal, Electric, ALES)
  • Not available where team protection is selected.
  • Not available for multi-task competitions (F3B, F3Q).
  • Not available where there is one group per round (F3F, F5B).
  • Not available where pilots enter to fly in more than one class.

Lanes [None, Random, Team or Closest]

  • Available if the ONLY task to fly is duration
    Includes F3J, F3L, F5j, F5K, Thermal, Electric and ALES
  • Lanes are assigned during the draw process.
  • Lanes can be manually re-assigned in the Scoring screen (after the draw is made).
  • If None - Pilots will not be allocated to lanes.
  • If Random - Pilots will be randomly but systematically allocated to lanes.
  • If Team - A different lane will be allocated to each team for each round.
  •    Where team members fly in consecutive groups (within a round), they will fly from the same lane.
  • If Closest - Pilots will be given the lane that is closest to their team number.
  •    The number of lanes is to be specified.
  •    In larger competitions the number of teams may be greater than the number of lanes.