b GliderScore


for all RC Glider Competitions        F3B        F3F        F3J        F3K        F3L        F3Q        F5B        F5J        F5K        F5L        Thermal        Electric        ALES 
Mildura 2013

You can find the latest FAI (Sporting Code) rules here https://www.fai.org/page/ciam-code.

GliderScore has all the features needed from pilot entry to final results.
It is largely intuitive but of course there is a learning curve to go through.
To help you there is this website and the help that is built into the program.

  • You will need a Windows PC and the GliderScore program.
  • You can download the program here.
  • To start learning, click on the QuickStart tab above or click here.

GliderScore ...

  • Automates the running of your competition.
    - The DigitalTimer automates calling pilots to fly and timing of flight groups.
    - eScoring and the Automatic Download/Upload feature automates score collection and updating.
  • creates an excellent draw
  • produces draw reports, scoring sheets and score cards
  • allows easy entry of flight data and instantly calculates scores
  • produces up to date competition results at any time
  • allows emailing of draw reports and final results to all competition pilots
  • integrates audio, timing and digital clock display to run the competition
  • has a built in eScoring system to submit scores using smartphones
  • helps users to avoid mistakes with extensive validation code

RECENT UPDATES (Click here for the download page.)

  • GliderScore 6.75 Build 2024-08-23
  • GS - F5K2024 - This version cannot update F5K scores that are downloaded from the server.
    The bug has been found and fixed and the revised program (GliderScore.exe) can only be downloaded
    using this link to Dropbox (copy the link and paste in your browser window) -
    Users running F5K comps should use this updated version.
    This version will be eventually be included in the normal download process and this message will be removed.
  • GliderScore 6.75 Build 2024-08-23 (with GliderScoreDigitalTimer 1.19 Build 2024-08-23)
  • GS - F5K2024 Updated so that phone data entry uses keypad instead of dropdown lists.
  • GS - F5K2024 Must update to this version to continue to use eScoring as data storage format has changed.
  • GS - Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
  • DT - Minor changes.
  • GliderScore 6.74 Build 2024-05-20 (with GliderScoreDigitalTimer 1.18 Build 2024-05-20)
  • GS - Updated to make FAI_ID available for online Results download.
  • GS - Custom Reports - FlyOff & Prelim Results report. Now shows percentages for every pilot.
  • GS - F5K - Bug fix - to enable change to 'Nominal Launch Height' in all relevant places.
  • DT - F3K - Bug fix - on some PCs, timer stopped after first flight of F3K Task C. Now fixed.
  • GliderScore 6.73 Build 2024-03-12 (with GliderScoreDigitalTimer 1.17 Build 2024-03-12)
  • GS - Updated for F3K FAI Rule changes effective 2024-01-01.
  • GS - made some small but significant useability changes.
  • DT - Updated with button to start the next flight group immediately. More here.
  • OnLineScoring - Data entry method changed to keypad for class F3K.
  • GliderScore 6.72 Update 1 Build 2024-01-31 (with GliderScoreDigitalTimer 1.16 Update 2 Build 2024-01-31)
  • GS - Critical update for users of eScoring.
    Fixes Download bug where, on the first download, all score records were marked as Updated = 'True'.
    This prevented any further downloads being accepted into the local database.
  • DT - Bug fix - The Timer incorrectly started if the Cancel button was pressed during announcements but only if 1. using delayed start and 2. announcements were set to play before prep time.
  • GliderScore 6.72 Build 2024-01-16 (with GliderScoreDigitalTimer 1.16 Build 2024-01-23)
  • DT - Includes Update 1 Build 2014-01-23. Critical update for all users. Fixes bug where timer ran for only the current flight group.
    There are other known (but not critical) bugs to be worked out. A new release will come when that has been done.
  • GliderScore 6.72 Build 2024-01-16 (with GliderScoreDigitalTimer 1.16 Build 2024-01-16)
  • GS - Raw Score (Points) now displays with decimals according to the selected timing decimal places.
  • GS - Some menu items have been moved or added in convenient places.
  • GS - Various bug fixes.
  • DT - Updated to work with the GliderKeeper device for F5J. Timer accuracy has been improved.
  • OnLineScoring - Data entry method is changing to keypad in place of dropdown lists where appropriate.
    F5J is the first to be changed to the new method. Other classes are being updated progressively.
  • F5J Timer files available for download (2022-09-12)
  • F5J Timer files as used in Sweden are available for download from the Download page.